Friday, January 22, 2010

Henry Gridley - a plea for Valerie Bloss

If Valerie Bloss still visits these pages, could she get in touch with me?

I have a correspondent who may have useful information about Henry Gridley.


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Charles Bigg and Mary Kedington

Tom Woodhouse has written to me:

I am delving into the Cawston side of my family who are linked to the Bigg and Kedington families also.
I have got back as far as Charles Bigg and Mary Kedington's marriage in 1763 in Stansfield, can you point me in the direction of some further information please?

As usual, if anyone canhelp, please let me know in the first instance and I will put Tom in touch with you.


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Wright and Whiterod

I have been approached by Chris Starr, who says:

I would very much appreciate ... help in tracing the Wright family.
Elizabeth Wright married Westley Whiterod at Glemsford on 28 October 1773 and I would be particularly pleased to know the names of Elizabth's parents, I believe her mother may have been a member of the Olley family of Denston.

I have no direct means to help Chris, but if anyone has any thoughts, please do the usual and contact me, so that I can put you in touch with Chris.


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