Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bonny Family

I have recently been searching census records for my sister-in-law who is researching my husband's family.

Their great grandmother Ellen was the daughter of Thomas Clark(e) of Bures Hamlet (born in Bures Hamlet) who married Sarah, born in Glemsford around 1840.
The most likely candidate in the 1841 and 1851 censuses is Sarah Bonny, whose parents were both silk weavers in 1841 and whose mother was still a silk weaver in 1851 while her father had become a coal porter. In 1851 Sarah, aged 11, was employed as a silk winder.
It is possible that Thomas Clarke her husband may have been an offshoot of the Glemsford Clarkes, though born elsewhere, since he married a Glemsford girl.

Has anyone else come across the Bonny family. I will be looking on the site for the history of silk weaving in Glemsford.

Diana Crane
Contactable through me, as usual

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have been researching my suffolk family roots.
My grandmother's maiden name was Bonny. I have managed to search back to Thomas Bonny born in Long Melford in 1798.

I don't know if this is of any use but if it is I can furnish you with details I have gathered so far.


Martin Belville

11:10 pm  

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