Thursday, December 18, 2008

Game and Adams Families

In an earlier entry, Elizabeth Simmonds was asking for any information about the background to the Game and Adams families, in particular Virginia Game who was married to Alfred Poole Adams, and the family, in general, of Ezra Game. The name of Osman Game was of particular interest.

I am pleased to be able to report some success with this search.

We can now track the Game family back to the 1841 Census, when Charles and Ann Game and their family were living on Fair Green. Charles was a Silk Weaver. Also in the same household was an 80 year old James Game (probably Charles's father) - so with a click of the mouse button we have a possible trace back to 1761-ish.
Throughout the 19th Century, this Game family and its branches seem to have moved between Glemsford, Colchester and Sudbury, but always with a link to the Silk industry.

A specific answer to Elizabeth's question emerged: in the June ΒΌ of 1896, Virginia Clementine Elizabeth Game (daughter of Ezra) married Alfred Poole Adams.
In 1901, they lived at 1 St Leonards Rd, Colchester, with their children, Virginia E., Esma D. and Mabel H. (4, 2 and 3 months). The latter two had been born in Colchester, while the young Virginia was born in Glemsford. Alfred was a "Journeyman Carpenter".

I couldn't find the Adams family for certain in 1841, but in 1851 Thomas (60) and Hannah (59) Adams were living on Chequers Lane, with their children Susannah (18) and Thomas (16), and their grandson Alfred (6). Thomas was a "Master Carpenter, employing two men". Hannah was a "Bread baker". Both were Glemford-born. Susannah was a "hand loom weaver" and Thomas (jr) "carpenter's son".

Immediately next door lived George and Sophia Adams, with Ellen, Lavinia, Andrew and Emma - 8, 5, 3 and 1. George was a "Journeyman Carpenter". I wonder if Alfred was George and Sophia's son, shipped next door to create space!

After 1851, the Adams family is relatively easy to trace, and remained, for the most part, in Glemsford with strong links to Carpentry.

This is very much a digest of what Elizabeth knew and what I have been able to add, but if anyone else has an interest in these family groups, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Meanwhile, if anyone knows anything about one Osman Game, we shall be particularly interested!


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Blogger C Baylis said...

I have a William Collis Game born approximately 1878 in Glemsford, Suffolk. Can't find any information on his parents or anything. I have records further on but he seems to be a block for me at the moment. I would appreciate any help.

5:57 pm  

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