Sunday, March 16, 2008

Landlords of the Angel

Now: we all know that the Angel Inn, Glemsford, is the finest hostelry around, and we do know something about the recent landlords, but can anyone help Chris Faircloth? He wrote:

My father, William George Faircloth was born in Colchester in 1911, the youngest of six children. His father, Willie Samuel Faircloth was born at Hardy's Green near Birch in Essex in 1866.

Willie Samuel had a sister, Kate Faircloth who married a Walter Taylor.

According to info we have, they lived at the Angel Inn at Glemsford in the early years of the 20th century. They had children who would have been first cousins to my dad and his sisters, yet for some reason, my dad never seemed to have had any contact with them.

Are you aware of any Talyors in the village who trace their family back to Kate and Walter?

There are a whole group of Faircloth descendants who would love to know.

So: there's the question. Over to you lot ...

The 1901 Census, by the way, shows Walter and Kate running the Angel in that year, with children William (11) and Arthur (1). Arthur is recorded as having been born in Glemsford, the others, as Chris says, in Essex.
There were other Taylors living on Egremont St, Fair Green and at Lay's Farm.

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