Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Them Egyptians"

The church may be a clue!

Rory Coxhill as left another fascinating addition to the "Little Egypt"question: follow the link from the title above.

Rory is toying with the idea of visits by Fairs to the village as possible links with the Romany community.

The school log book refers to (at least) two visits by circuses, in 1896 and 1899:

September 1896:

Attendance very good in the morning, but not as good in the afternoon, owing probably to the presence of a circus troupe in the village"

September 1899:

A half holiday was granted this afternoon, owing to the presence of a travelling circus in the village, with an afternoon performance for children."

And then, of course, there is "Fair Green".

Any more thoughts?


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