Sunday, November 18, 2007

Not a good time to be a child: Glemsford 110 Years Ago

It is always salutary to reflect on the lives of those we like to study.

I have written elsewhere about the health problems faced by the pupils of Glemsford School.

110 years ago, between October and December 1897, the School was hit by a severe outbreak of Measles.

This, word for word, is how Eleanor Bowrey, Head Teacher, recorded events in the School Log Book:

October 25th Lavinia Green who was sent home only a fortnight ago, sickening for Measles, was sent to school this morning, and was not allowed to remain on account of the period of infection not having elapsed. One other case of measles, (Cecilia Middleditch) is reported to-day by the Attendance Officer.

29th Tested Register & Found Correct <[signed] ??? Downs>

29th Mr Downs visited the school this morning, granting a half holiday in the afternoon.

Average for the week = 123

Criticism lessons on "Spiders" and "The Goat", given by A.M.Payton, and E.J.Playle, during the week.

Nov. 5th School visited on Tuesday morning by Mr R.J.Clarke. Several fresh cases of Measles are reported.

9th Sixteen cases of Measles are known to be in the village this morning. School visited before close of morning school by Rev. H.Hall.

12th E.Playle has had an hour each day for private study during school hours this week, excepting Friday. Lessons on "The Carpenter" and "Helping Mother" given this week. The attendance is still very poor owing to the prevalence of the Measles.

19th There are 25 cases of Measles known among the little ones now, and one of Infectious Skin Disease. Willie Bennett who is only just 5 and very backward on account of his extreme delicacy, is not to attend school for some time to come, a medical certificate to that effect being dated 11th Nov. Owing to the numerous cases of sickness the attendance has been very poor, the average for the week being only 96.8.

22nd E.Playle relieved from teaching from 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. today, for private Study.

25th E.Playle has had 1 1/2 hours on each of these three days for private Study, and her criticism lessons will be omitted during the next three weeks in order to allow of her devoting her whole time to her own studies out of school hours.

Another case of Measles - Alfred Smith, was reported by the Attendance Officer on Tuesday, - it is supposed to be a week since the child was taken ill.

27th Received the report on Examination of Pupil -Teachers; which is as follows:

A.M.Payton, 3rd Year, has passed "Well".+ B.M.Copsey, Art.35, has passed, but has Geography marked *.

(copied) E.Bowrey

29th Owing to the very inclement weather, the attendance was terribly poor all day. The classes were therefore grouped, Miss Plume taking charge of classes I & II in the morning, the Babies and Fives being also grouped, so that A.M.Payton spent the morning in private study, and E.Playle worked at her studies under the supervision of Mistress. School visited by Rev. H.Hall. In the afternoon E.Playle studied again.

30th Attendance still very poor. A.M.Payton studied from 9.30 to 10 a.m. and E.F.Playle from 10 to 10.30 a.m. Charles Copsey returned to school to-day after being absent through Measles for 6 weeks.

Dec. 2nd School Inspected


NB The seats on the gallery should be fitted with backs

3rd School visited during HMI's stay on Thursday afternoon by Rev. H.Hall, and Mr R.J.Clarke.

A half holiday was granted on Friday afternoon in consequence of the visit by H.M. Inspector.

December 6th 1897 E.F.Playle absent all morning owing to severe cold. School visited this morning by Rev. H.Hall.

7th E.F.Playle still absent, - Mr R.J.Clarke visited the school this morning.

8th E.F.Playle present to-day and had an hour for private study.

10th Rev. H.Hall came in yesterday afternoon, and E.Playle had an hour for Private study. Owing to the prevalence of sickness & the bad weather, the average for this week is only 89.0.

13th E.F.Playle will be absent the whole of this week as she is attending the "Queen's Scholarship" examination.

14th Mr R.J.Clarke visited the school this morning.

17th Attendance a little improved this week, three or four children who have had Measles being allowed to return. Arthur Craske, aged 3 years was admitted yesterday afternoon.

Dec 21st Tested Registers - results correct <[>signed] Herbert Hall

21st E.Playle returned to her school duties to-day having been absent yesterday by permission.

Attendance is a little improved this week.

23rd Average for the week 92.7.

School closed at 4 p.m. for the Christmas holidays: two weeks.

And so it went on. In fact, this was no means the worst outbreak, but it emphasises just how difficult life could be, such a relatively short time ago.



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