Idle Surfing
And ...
One of the sites I've never really indulged in before is the National Archives site (
I've always previously found it a bit too posh and intimidating, but in the last couple of days, its "Search" mechanism has proved invaluable.
Having just put "Glemsford" in as the search word, I was amazed at what came up, including a whole crop of material - Wills and such-like - available for download online (at a price, of course).
Lots of fascinating snippets, but one struck me in particular.
In 1919, the Foreign Office produced a report of visits by (what I take to be French or Swiss) observers to a set of Prisoner of War camps around the country, including one in Glemsford.
In my ignorance, I didn't know there was such a thing.
Does anyone out there in cyber-land know anything about it?
Where was it?
When was it set up?
When did it close?
Who administered it?
Did any inmates stay behind?
I wait to be further amazed.
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